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Every teacher knows prepping a lesson plan isn't easy. Its even harder when youre prepping for a lesson in front of a new audience 30 kids you've never met and plenty of teachers and staff. Our recruitment team helped me brainstorm six tips to help you plan and execute a great sample lesson.
Tip 1: Plan Extensively
I could write a whole series of articles on planning well, but if youre at this stage, you probably know the basics. Heres the kicker: sample lessons are different than normal lessons. You need to plan each little detail in the lesson and account for potential road blocks. What if students already know what a simile is? What if they dont know how to multiply fractions, but need it for your lesson? These potential roadblocks could blow up in your face if you dont plan for them.
Consider working off of a strong, objective-aligned planning template, or make your own. Just remember to think through the main parts of a solid lesson:
Tip 2: Set Student Behavioral Expectations
Typically, kids are pretty well-behaved when they have a guest teacher. Theyre excited just to see someone new! That doesnt mean that theyre not going to try to test you though.
Walking into the classroom with a chart or clear set of expectations is always a good move. It sends a message to kids that you have high expectations for them, even though youre not their normal teacher.
It doesnt matter if you dont know how we normally do things at TEAM. Laura Mendelsohn, our middle school and non-instructional recruiter adds We commonly have people say they didnt know this or that or how we do it at our school. We always tell candidates to treat the classroom as though it is their own. Whatever their usual expectations are is okay with us, even if they arent exactly what the kids are used to.
Whether you bring a chart of expectations or chose to teach your expectations in a different way, dont skip over verbalizing them to the class at the beginning. Quickly walk kids through your expectations for their behavior. Then, throughout the lesson, dont forget about your expectations and dont let things slide. Always go after 100 percent.
Tip 3: Focus on Your Objectives
When youre excited to teach new kids in a new place and a job is on the line, it is really easy to let nerves get in the way. Its also easy to let yourself drift off your lesson plan or your objectives. Be careful when youre teaching and answering questions that you dont deviate from your objectives for the day. At the end of your lesson, youre measuring how well students learned those objectives, not whether students looked like they were paying attention the whole time. This is why the exit slip and independent practice are important to the success of your lesson. Stick with the objective youve been given.
Tip 4: Know Where You Can Cut and Run
Its easy to lose track of time in a lesson. When youre teaching new kids and arent sure how quickly theyre going to master a concept or objective, dont know where you may have to check for understanding and dont know where you might get stuck, you should definitely know where you can get back on track.
If you planned well and over-planned, here are some places you can cut to make sure you get through your lesson:
Dont cut:
Tip 5: Measure and Assess Yourself and Your Kids
OK, so you just planned and delivered a great lesson. Kids were focused and not calling out, and you made it all the way through your plan. Did they master you objective?
After a sample lesson, youre going to debrief with the school leaders and hiring managers. The first question theyre going to ask is how do you think your lesson went? You want to have a good answer to this question. You also want to root it in data. This is where those exit slips come in handy. In between your sample lesson and debrief, flip through exit tickets or the assessment you gave and quickly calculate how many students mastered your objective.
Tip Six: Be Yourself
Like any interview, the biggest advice I can give you is to be yourself. This is doubly important when were talking about kids. They know when youre putting on a front and so will the adults in the back of the room. We (and every other school doing sample lessons) really just want to meet you, not someone else.
Do you have any other tips? Let me know in the comments below!
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