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This post is a companion piece to a video we published earlier this year. This video, along with others from our School Kit series, can be found here. School Kit publishes a new teacher-specific how-to video each month.
If I asked you to track, would you know what I meant? Would your students?
At KIPP schools across the country, we teach tracking as part of SLANT — an acronym used to gather students’ attention and focus them on someone or something. Tracking the speaker is a huge part of SLANT, mostly because it tells students where to look. We often tell our kids to “pay attention” or behave without telling them exactly what that means. One major benefit of SLANT is to give kids a crystal clear picture of your expectations and how they should show you they are on task. Tracking is the last letter in SLANT and arguably is the most important.
What is Tracking, and Why is It Important?
Tracking the speaker means watching the speaker with your eyes, following the speaker as they move around the room. It’s a really simple, yet important concept. Eye contact on the speaker is a great way to make sure students are listening and on task. Since teachers are frequently moving around the classroom and calling on students, tracking means looking at whoever the speaker is, wherever in the room they are.
Using the term track and teaching it explicitly has huge benefits in the long run. It sets the expectation for paying attention to whoever is speaking and gives you a common term to quickly get stragglers on task. Telling your whole class to “Track Judy” will get them all tracking the speaker, wherever in the room Judy is.
How to Teach Students to Track the Speaker
First, teach students what tracking the speaker means and why it’s important. Tracking the speaker means watching the speaker with their eyes. For younger students, you can explain its importance by saying “Tracking the speaker is important because when you’re looking at the speaker, you’re able to listen to them and learn.” For middle school or upper elementary students, you may have to provide more rationale like: “Tracking is important because it lets the speaker know you’re with them and value what they have to say.”
Second, model how to track. If you’re team teaching, co-teaching or have an assistant, you can use them to teach tracking easily. Have them model tracking you as you move around the room. If you don’t have an adult you can pull in for demonstration purposes, you can have a kid model it for you.
Third, give your students time to practice. Here are a few suggestions:
Follow Up
Once you’ve taught it explicitly, make sure you heavily reinforce tracking in the beginning. The more you wait for all students to track, the more ingrained it will become for kids. Here are a few tips for reinforcing tracking:
Tracking the speaker is element of SLANT, which we use across KIPP and have since the beginning. SLANT stands for:
There are many variations of SLANT out there, but all have the same underlying principle: you should set expectations for how kids act during direct instruction instead of praying they will figure it out on their own.
Do you use another variety? Do you have words of wisdom for other teachers trying to get started with tracking or SLANT? Let me know in the comments section below.
Michael Alderman is a staff writer and content manager for TEAM Schools. You can find him on Google+ and Twitter and interact with him there.
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