In the summer of 2014, Lavel Chambers signed up for a school tour that had a profound impact on her and her children's lives. At the time, she was searching for a school for her oldest daughter, La’Daya. She had heard about KIPP Newark Public Schools but wanted to see them for herself. 

“I still remember the first time I walked into KIPP Life Academy. Teachers greeted me in the hallway, kids were smiling on their way to class, and the principal knew every child's name. I had never seen that before, and I knew this was where I wanted to send my child,” said Lavel. 

She and her family have been a part of the KIPP Newark community ever since.

This summer, Lavel’s family prepared to send their children to their 10th year with KIPP Newark schools. Two of her children attend KIPP SPARK Academy, one is enrolled at KIPP Justice Academy, and her eldest daughter is entering her first year at KIPP Newark Collegiate Academy after graduating from KIPP TEAM Academy. Her career goal? To become a detective.  

As a 10-year veteran parent of KIPP Newark, Lavel is deeply involved in her children’s education. From serving on the Parent Council at SPARK to regularly monitoring her children’s progress and partnering with teachers to support their growth, she remains actively engaged, “I want to know what’s happening at my children’s schools, and KIPP has given me the resources to do just that. That’s why I’ve stayed a part of this community; I feel like we’re all one big team working together to ensure children succeed.”

As Lavel reflects on her decade with KIPP Newark, one memory stands out: Receiving an award at the Quarter 4 'SPARK Jacket Awards' for her contributions to the school community. “I attended that ceremony to support my kids, and I was so proud of them. When they called my name, I was shocked. It's one thing to know you are doing right by your kids, but it's another to be recognized for it.” The gratitude goes both ways; Lavel cites teachers like Ms. Gunter at SPARK (who taught three of her children) for playing a significant role in her children’s growth. 

Each time she drops her children off at school, Lavel notices the same things that drew her to KIPP from her first school tour. “To this day, when I come to the school for events or just to drop something off, it’s the same feeling I got when I first took a tour. Ms. Killins (SPARK’s principal) always knows my name and those of my kids. Seeing her at drop-off means a lot,” she said. 

When other families ask Lavel whether she recommends KIPP Newark, her response is clear: "Without a doubt, I recommend KIPP. The first thing I tell families is come to an event with me, or go to an open house, or take a tour and see the learning for yourself." 

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